Og Mandino Books

SEPT. 26,2008

I want to buy this book. I've been looking for a free downloadable ebook for this but unfortunately I cant find one. Well, I might as well buy this book. I remember wayback 1998 when Malen told me to read this book as this is really inspiring and after 10 years, I finally would. I am into inspirational books lately, after "5 People you Meet in Heaven" and "Tuesdays with Maurie" which are both awesome - I intend to read Og Mandino's books. I want to revive back my old self at that time when everything I do is for the glory of God. I hope through this, I can be as close to God as I was before. Amen.


Great Book...but I would love to suggest another of his works first....read "The Greatest Miracle in the World" by Og Mandino....it is this book that changed my life....

Great Book...but I would love to suggest another of his works first....read "The Greatest Miracle in the World" by Og Mandino....it is this book that changed my life....

myles said…
thanks for sharing this. I would buy one next week. been very busy lately. thanks again!

"Blogger HYDROMAN said...

Great Book...but I would love to suggest another of his works first....read "The Greatest Miracle in the World" by Og Mandino....it is this book that changed my life...."

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