Kuripsy Signing Off...
I just feel so sad today... wala lang...finally tomorrow we'll gonna be on AM shift...I show I should be happy because at last - after a year in night shift...we'll gonna finally experience being a normal person - having a normal life and a normal timezone! But I am not. It's because having a different schedule with my previous teammates means THIS IS IT - we would finally say goodbye our previous team - THE KURIPSYS. Most of my previous teammates would still be on a night shift - but five of us - Kate, Shai, Gherj, Ice and I - who are now a part of a new team composed of 11 transition agents would spend 3 weeks in the morning shift. What's worse is that on the first day of our morning shift , only I , from the five girls have a schedule- which means, 9 full hours of being alone with a new shift and a new team and a new tl. I cant...I really cant! This kind of situation is kind'a akward for me. I know I am not the kind of person who would not go to work just beca...