Blessing In Disguise

I was absent again! My fever comes and goes for 5 straight days now eating up my 3 restdays and a vacation leave! Supposedly, I will be reporting for work tonight and would just go home at around 12mn (my shift today is from 8pm to 5am) but I again felt dizzy so Jojo decided to just accompany me to the nearest clinic just to secure a medical certificate - a proof that I really had a fever. My coach and the rest of the team would definitely feel that everything was planted as I did'nt go to the office a day after my looong vacation. Hay...

Furthermore, I lost $30 because I was'nt able to post a review for 3 of my pending opps. In times like this, I really need a lot of review tasks. I am experimenting on new niche blogs but was'nt able to posts any for the past week due to my condition. I pray I could revive back my strength to write again.

BTW, I was so happy that my mama and papa called me and checked how I am feeling. Even my eldest brother, my brother living in Montalban with mama and my sister in Singapore called telling me to get well. It's a good feeling that once in a while, your family wants you to know you are cared for and loved. That's the reason why even though I suffered for 5 days...I am still thankful. At least, I was able to feel the love of my family through this experience.

Thank you Lord for the gift of healing. Amen.


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