My 33rd Boitday!
Since papa has been hospitalized, I stopped thinking of how I want to celebrate my birthday. Before I would think of maybe having a party at home, would ask my brother’s family to come over and I’ll cook some dishes. Or maybe I’ll invite my friends in the office or college or high school barkada to come and see our new house. Well probably have a dvd marathon overnight while doing our tomaan session, we could go jogging in the morning or go swimming in a nearby resort. All of those plans are set aside and my world stopped moving since Papa had a mild stroke days before my birthday. Good thing he recovered. He is now able to walk and somehow talk. We can now understand what he is saying though he needs to say it slowly. That’s the reason why I’ve decided to just treat them out on my birthday. No more fancy celebration. I’ve realized that this should be a celebration of my dad’s fast recovery rather than my birthday. So off we went to SM centerpoint. Me and hubby came at exactly 1PM....