Back For Good
It's been so long since I last posted anything in this blog. I actually intended to renew my domain here but to my surprise, I've learned that Blogger is not offering a custom domain anymore. There are other options such as have your domain registered through other domain sites but I hate the technicalities of it. You might just need to follow simple steps but still, I am afraid to try. If I knew someone who know's how to do it, I might probably try. But for now, I will be contented hosting my blog on a free blogger platform.
Anyways, I'm so happy that finally I had the courage and willingness to post something in here again. Been battling with laziness and lack of inspiration which is why I haven't been able to blog for days. But praise God I'm back! And I'm back for good.
Will be posting some of my life adventures (?) here soon. Though I proclaimed that this year will be a very "adventurous" year for me, nothing much have changed. I don't know. I am still praying for a miracle, that something "big" will come my way. Till then, all I need to do is continue to pray and hope for a better future ahead. I'll keep you posted. :)